How to Approach Your Child’s Technology Addiction

As technology advances, technology addictions are increasing and they’re affecting children at an alarming rate. Even small children are impacted, children with technology addictions are more to prone to having tantrums when they’re away from their devices, having negative attitudes about being active, and having codependency towards their devices.

Other effects of technology addiction in children include: falling more easily to peer pressure; seeing inappropriate material; getting bullied, poor social skills; aggressive behavior; sleep problems; and difficulty paying attention. While it’s important to catch the warning signs, it’s just as important to prevent a technology addiction in the first place.

Here are some key tips on how to prevent your child’s technology addiction!
1. Don’t replace their boredom with devices

When you give your child an electronic device when they’re bored, sad, or mad, you’re building a reliance to make all their worries go away. As an alternative, focus on getting your child interested in a healthier hobby, such as extracurricular activities at school. Hobbies can positively affect a child by relieving their stress, teaching them how to express themselves, build self-esteem, and strengthening their social skills.

2. Plan more outdoor time

Today’s children are spending less time outdoors than they should because of their devices. According to the National Recreation and Park Association, “children today spend less time outdoors than other generations, devoting only four to seven minutes to unstructured outdoor play per day while spending an average of seven and a half hours in front of electronic media.” This has led to increasing rates in child obesity, and it can cause numerous health problems. Push your children to play more outside. Check out your local playground, kick a ball around your backyard, or plan a fun weekend at an amusement park. Children will enjoy staying active while getting some fresh air.

3. Set guideline for priorities before screen time

Enforce the concept that screen time is a privilege, and not a necessity in your child’s life. Make your child used to the idea that they need to complete their chores, finish their homework, and any other obligations before they hop on their devices. It’ll help your child learn that taking care of their responsibilities comes before the fun.

4. Consider your own time spent on technology

If your child notices that you cling to your technology as well, it will become the standard for them. In a study conducted by the Pew Research Center, 46% of adults believe that they couldn’t live without their smartphones. That’s why it’s important to monitor the time you spend on your own phone and set a good example for your child. Instead of phone time, spend quality time a family.

Technology at Creative Child Learning Center

At Creative Child Learning Center, we urge our children to be more interactive with their peers by limiting the time they spend on the computer and encouraging more outdoor play. We support the importance of cultivating their social skills and being more active at such a developmental period. We provide children with opportunities to start new hobbies by incorporating music, art, and crafts into their curriculum.

Raising a Bilingual Child

As the world gets smaller, bilingualism is becoming more of a necessity. Parents are realizing the importance of a raising a bilingual child in today’s society. Although raising a bilingual child may seem to require a lot of time and effort, the benefits will make it all worth it. Consider these social and cognitive benefits:

Positive Effects on the Brain

According to Science Daily, bilingual brains are better equipped to process information. As a bilingual, your brain is wired to constantly choose  between languages to communicate, and this improves your ability to choose important information and ignore irrelevant details, and making decisions. In addition, studies funded by the National Institute of Health have shown that children who grow up learning to speak two languages are better at multitasking than those who only speak one.

Social and Cultural Development

Being bilingual can help children develop their social skills. In a recent study from the University of Chicago, research showed that bilingual children are more likely to be empathetic and better communicators. Exposure to another language and culture automatically give children another perspective, which helps children to be more in tune on picking up on different social cues. Consider this when planning a family vacation that may be to a another country, if your child is familiar with their local language, your child can immerse themselves in the language and culture of that place and they’ll appreciate other cultures even more.

Long-Term Health Benefits

Growing evidence has shown correlations with bilingualism delaying the effects of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Other studies even suggest that bilinguals are less likely to have strokes and more likely to have lower stress levels.

Career Advantages

Although it may seem too early to start thinking about your child’s career now, consider the fact that bilingualism will give your child an early advantage. In our current economy, many jobs require a second language. In the future, your child has a better chance of getting job by being bilingual because companies value a multilingual staff. Being bilingual also increases the chances of higher pay. In a study conducted in 2012 by the Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies, they found that bilingual Latinos in New York had an annual income that’s $15,000 higher than Latinos who only spoke English.

The Creative Child Learning Center Program

At Creative Child Learning Center, we recognize the benefits of teaching children foreign languages. At our Weston-Sunrise location only, we offer a hands-on learning program aimed to develop children who are bilingual and bi-literate. Our activities support language acquisition through music, games, art projects, authentic literature, and many more.

5 Tips That Can Help You Get Through Your Child’s Terrible Two’s

Almost every parent has heard of the “terrible twos,” a developmental stage where children experience a quick shift in mood and behavior that cause problems for parents.

It’s easy to dismiss the child’s behavior as merely throwing a tantrum. However, we must be mindful that the child is undergoing many changes simultaneously. At this age, children start to develop their sense of self and independence, causing their imaginations to run wild. They are also just learning to be more mobile, so they instinctually want to test their boundaries and explore the world around them.

Here Are 5 Tips That Can Help You Get Through Your Child’s Terrible Two’s:
1. Be aware of your child’s emotions:

Keep in mind that your two-year-old’s brain is still in development. The amount of stress a toddler’s brain goes through at this stage is often overlooked, and parents can easily forget that their child doesn’t have the capacity to manage all their emotions. It’s important to remember this when parenting your two-year-old because your child will feel valued by your efforts to sympathize.

2. Make notes and address their behavior:

If you see that your child has done something wrong, talk to your child to see why they might be acting that way. Afterwards, make a note of it so you have an understanding and a solution the next time a situation like this occurs. This is also a convenient way to pass this information along to your caregivers so they have guidance on how to deal with your child’s tantrums when you’re not around.

3. Have regular meal and nap times:

Your child’s tantrums usually occur because your child’s needs are being unmet. Like infants, toddlers get highly irritable when they’re hungry, tired, or stressed by change. And just like adults, toddlers can sense when their daily routines are out of whack. As a parent, make sure your child has a steady schedule of nap and mealtimes, and avoid planning any moves around those times.

4. Don’t take it personal:

No parent is perfect. Parenting is one of those things you learn as your child grows because every child is different and has different temperaments. If your child seems more aggressive than their fellow classmates, don’t compare the two. Your child’s tantrums are not a reflection of your parenthood. Also, be mindful that children respond to environments differently and conditions that suit one child may not suit another.

5. Keep the yelling at a minimum:

Dealing with a child’s temper tantrums can be extremely frustrating. However, yelling at your child will not prevent them from having one and can even be detrimental to their development. Yelling at them can make them want to push you away. It also  could lead to copycat behavior, such as yelling at their classmates because they think that’s an appropriate way to get their point across.

At Creative Child Learning Centers, we pride ourselves in treating each of our students individually with understanding, patience, and diligence. We acknowledge the fact that the emotional progression and maturity of each child will differ, so we offer an individualized learning plan for each child that will be best suited for their special needs.

5 Tips on How to Incorporate Exercise into Your Daily Routine!

Exercise is a major component of self-care, yet many parents overlook it because they feel burned out from a hectic schedule. Who has time to go to the gym in between commuting, working, and taking care of their family? However, even 30 minutes of exercise a day can reap big benefits for your health and that’s why we came up with five tips to fit a workout into your busy schedule:

1. Workout in the morning:

As parents, working out in the morning can be better than working out at night after a long day. Find pockets in your schedule, such as before your children wake up or right after dropping them off at school. Not only is it more convenient, but exercising in the morning can give you a boost of energy throughout your day.

2. Workout with your children at the playground:

Active parents create active children. Instead of sitting down and watching your child on the playground, join them! There are many activities you can do at the playground, such as playing chase for cardio or using the bench as a steppingstone for leg workouts. You can even use parts of the actual playground if kids aren’t using them to do a variety of push-up, pull-up, and leg exercises.

3. Remember your goals:

You’re more likely to stick to something if you have an end goal and a bigger picture to look forward to. Think of the benefits you’ll receive from your workout routine and how they’ll make you a better, healthier person and parent. Do you want to release stress, be leaner or bigger, or just have more energy to keep up with your child? Picking a goal that suits your overall lifestyle needs will help you maintain focus and determination.

4. Invest in home equipment:

Sometimes getting to the gym on its own may seem like a hassle. A great alternative to the gym is having your own equipment at home. That doesn’t mean you need to spend thousands of dollars, either. You can get a great cardio and strength conditioning workout with simply a jump rope and resistance bands. YouTube has dozens of great videos that can help you get started.

5. Have a workout buddy:

Having – and being – a workout buddy will help you both stay on track, hold each other accountable and get faster results. Consider another parent of one your child’s peers at school, a friend, a coworker, or your spouse.


At Creative Child Learning Center:
At CCLC, we encourage our families to have an active lifestyle. We believe that health and wellness is a crucial part of a child’s development. Our teachers and staff are very set in incorporating unstructured time and physical education activities to help develop active healthy habits in all our students.

5 Child-Friendly Things to do in the Broward Area!

As parents, we understand how important it is to try new things with our children and spend quality time with them. One of the best ways to do so is by going to new places such as parks, stores, museums, and other local attractions. With Davie, Weston, and Coral Springs being known as great areas to live in South Florida due to the suburban feels and family-friendly environments, there are a number of activities for families to do together.

Here are 5 child-friendly things to do in the Broward area!
1. Butterfly World, 3600 W Sample Rd, Coconut Creek, FL 33073

If you love nature and insects, Butterfly World is the perfect option for you! Located right in the heart of Coconut Creek, the world’s largest butterfly park is only a 30-minute drive away. The park is home to thousands of live butterflies and hundreds of exotic birds, and filled with waterfalls, botanical gardens, roses, and much more! The park is open Monday through Saturday from 9 AM to 5 PM, and Sundays from 11 AM to 5 PM.

2. Coconut Cove Water-Park, 20130 Regional Park Dr, Boca Raton, FL 33498

If you’re looking for fun-filled day with sun and water, then you’ll love Coconut Cove Water-park. Although water-parks are plentiful in Broward, this is the perfect option for you if you don’t want to go to a water-park that is overcrowded. With affordable prices and more than enough slides and attractions for your child to indulge in, the Coconut Cove Water-park is a great bang for your buck!

3. A Painting Fiesta, 1637 Bonaventure Blvd, Weston, FL 33326

Looking for something artsy and crafty to do? Take your child to A Painting Fiesta. The one-of-a-kind studio is perfect for the family because they cater to both children and adults, offering a myriad of art experiences including after-school art classes and adult sip and paint parties.

4. Yellow Green Farmers Market, 1940 N 30th Rd, Hollywood, FL 33021

Located in Hollywood, Florida, the Yellow Green Farmers Market is the perfect haven for parents who want to implement a green lifestyle for their child. The market has a wide variety of activities including lively music entertainment, special events, chef’s demonstrations, children’s activities, and different foods with reasonable prices. It is open every Saturday and Sunday from 8 AM to 4 PM.

5. Young at Art Museum, 751 SW 121st Ave, Davie, FL 33325

If you like to combine education with playtime, the Young at Art Museum is the perfect family-friendly option for you. Located right in Davie, the Young at Art Museum takes an innovative approach to your typical art museum. The Young at Art Museum is an interactive art museum with many different attractions, games, and events! They’re open every day, Mondays – Thursdays from 10 AM to 5 PM, Fridays and Saturdays from 10 AM to 6 PM, and Sundays from 11 AM to 6 PM.

At Creative Child Learning Center
At our Creative Child Learning Centers, we urge our parents to spend quality time with their children outside of the classroom. We encourage a healthy balance of work and play for all our students. We also believe that children, similarly to adults, need time to adjust to new settings, people, and different social situations. Going to new places is a great opportunity to teach children these valuable social skills and help them gain sensorial experiences.