5 Tips That Can Help You Get Through Your Child’s Terrible Two’s

Almost every parent has heard of the “terrible twos,” a developmental stage where children experience a quick shift in mood and behavior that cause problems for parents.

It’s easy to dismiss the child’s behavior as merely throwing a tantrum. However, we must be mindful that the child is undergoing many changes simultaneously. At this age, children start to develop their sense of self and independence, causing their imaginations to run wild. They are also just learning to be more mobile, so they instinctually want to test their boundaries and explore the world around them.

Here Are 5 Tips That Can Help You Get Through Your Child’s Terrible Two’s:
1. Be aware of your child’s emotions:

Keep in mind that your two-year-old’s brain is still in development. The amount of stress a toddler’s brain goes through at this stage is often overlooked, and parents can easily forget that their child doesn’t have the capacity to manage all their emotions. It’s important to remember this when parenting your two-year-old because your child will feel valued by your efforts to sympathize.

2. Make notes and address their behavior:

If you see that your child has done something wrong, talk to your child to see why they might be acting that way. Afterwards, make a note of it so you have an understanding and a solution the next time a situation like this occurs. This is also a convenient way to pass this information along to your caregivers so they have guidance on how to deal with your child’s tantrums when you’re not around.

3. Have regular meal and nap times:

Your child’s tantrums usually occur because your child’s needs are being unmet. Like infants, toddlers get highly irritable when they’re hungry, tired, or stressed by change. And just like adults, toddlers can sense when their daily routines are out of whack. As a parent, make sure your child has a steady schedule of nap and mealtimes, and avoid planning any moves around those times.

4. Don’t take it personal:

No parent is perfect. Parenting is one of those things you learn as your child grows because every child is different and has different temperaments. If your child seems more aggressive than their fellow classmates, don’t compare the two. Your child’s tantrums are not a reflection of your parenthood. Also, be mindful that children respond to environments differently and conditions that suit one child may not suit another.

5. Keep the yelling at a minimum:

Dealing with a child’s temper tantrums can be extremely frustrating. However, yelling at your child will not prevent them from having one and can even be detrimental to their development. Yelling at them can make them want to push you away. It also  could lead to copycat behavior, such as yelling at their classmates because they think that’s an appropriate way to get their point across.

At Creative Child Learning Centers, we pride ourselves in treating each of our students individually with understanding, patience, and diligence. We acknowledge the fact that the emotional progression and maturity of each child will differ, so we offer an individualized learning plan for each child that will be best suited for their special needs.